The Advantages and drawbacks of Breast Implants

The Pros and Cons of Breast Implants
Many women long to have bigger breasts thinking that they will make them more attractive to the eyes of others especially the opposite sex. This is why many undergo breast implants to make their breasts bigger and fuller. They pay thousands of dollars just to achieve their desired cup size.
The Procedure
How exactly does this work? Breast augmentation using implants is a popular plastic surgery method. Implants in the form of saline or silicon are inserted behind your breasts to make them look bigger and fuller. The implants also vary in size from 120ml to 850ml.
It’s very common nowadays to find women undergoing breast implants. In fact, many actresses, models, and famous personalities have undergone such procedure. Knowing this led more and more women to also do the same. But what they don’t know is that breast implants have advantages and disadvantages.
The Pros
There are a variety of breast implants available depending on your needs. There are those specifically designed to give breasts a shapely or round feature as well as a natural lift. The fact that implants come in all shapes and sizes make it easier for women to find one which is appropriate for them.
Saline and silicon implants are also tested and proven safe to use. They feel like natural soft tissues so you feel comfortable and even unaware that they’re only implants.
Implantation takes only a few hours. They’re also not that expensive today compared years ago when they were first introduced in the market.
The Cons
If there are advantages there are also disadvantages when it comes to breast implants. One of the most common side effects is pain and discomfort after surgery. This is normal but for some patients, recovery time is a lot longer. This usually occurs when there’s an infection or the implants were not properly inserted into the breast.
Many women also observed the irregular, balloon-like shape their breasts have after undergoing breast augmentation. This makes them look unnatural especially when they’re wearing skimpy bras.
Scarring is also expected in the area where you had the implants inserted. Though they can be removed through plastic surgery, many can’t afford to pay for the procedure.
According to women and doctors, breast massaging is also necessary. It must be performed regularly to ensure the implant stays in place and remains soft and pliable.
There are cases when implants have to be removed such as the case when the patient feels constant pain and discomfort. Sometimes, the doctors themselves will advise patients to get rid of them especially when lumps occur or when the patient is diagnosed with breast cancer.
Preparing Yourself
If you’re really serious about undergoing breast implants, you should know better by letting a professional surgeon do the job. Consult with him or her regarding the best method, what kind of implants to use, where to insert them, and other concerns before going under the knife. There’s no better way to prepare yourself for such procedure than knowing what to expect.

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